Help Save the Butterflies
The White House is creating a 1,500 mile "Butterfly Corridor" to help Monarchs get from Mexico to Minnesota!
This ambitious federal plan calls for a billion milkweed plants along a Minnesota-to-Texas corridor traveled by butterflies. It's going to be difficult to get enough milkweed needed for the project, nevertheless, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the USDA, and conservation groups across the country are planning pollinator-friendly habitats.
You can help! Listed below you will find our top butterfly attracting plants, so you can join in and help butterflies continue to thrive for many years to come!
Top Butterfly Attracting Plants
Help Save The Pollinators Handout
Help Save The Butterflies Handout
This ambitious federal plan calls for a billion milkweed plants along a Minnesota-to-Texas corridor traveled by butterflies. It's going to be difficult to get enough milkweed needed for the project, nevertheless, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the USDA, and conservation groups across the country are planning pollinator-friendly habitats.
You can help! Listed below you will find our top butterfly attracting plants, so you can join in and help butterflies continue to thrive for many years to come!
Top Butterfly Attracting Plants
- Asclepias - Milkweed
- Carex - Sedge
- Baptistia - Blue False Indigo
- Coreopsis - Tickseed
- Echinacea - Coneflower
- Helenium - Sneezeweed
- Monarda - Bee Balm
- Penstemon - Beardtongue
- Geranium - Cranesbill
- Rudbeckia - Black Eyed Susan
- Phlox
- Dutchman's Pipe
- Honeysuckle
- Wisteria (American)
Help Save The Pollinators Handout
Help Save The Butterflies Handout
July 14, 2015
View: 1741