Frequent Questions
Bulk Delivery FAQs
When will my bulk product arrive?
We do not set specific times when bulk deliveries are going to be made, you can check our website, put in your zip code for your delivery day
Will the driver call when he’s on his way?
Drivers generally do not call ahead unless they have a question about your delivery or dump location
Can I change my delivery?
Any changes or cancellations must be made 24 hours prior to the day the delivery is scheduled.
Do I have to home to accept my delivery?
No, as long as you have clearly stated a dump location on your delivery instructions the driver will dump your product where you have indicated
When should I take the day off or schedule a landscaper to come to spread my bulk product?
It is best not to schedule to take the day off or schedule a landscaper the same day as your bulk product is being delivered as we can not guarantee what time it will arrive. Schedule a landscaper for the next day to do the job, or take the day off after the product has been delivered.
If it is raining, will they still bring my Top Soil?
We will call you first to either make other arrangements to possibly deliver on your top soil another day, or if you still want it delivered, place a tarp in the driveway where you want it dumped and we will dump it on the tarp, or cover the soil with the tarp for you
Will you dump my bulk product in the grass, lawn or an un-paved surface?
Due to weight of bulk materials and trucks we must stay on black topped surfaces
If I have under estimated how much bulk product I needed, do you charge another delivery fee?
Yes, Independent Contractors do our deliveries and they require another fee
How late do you deliver until?
In the month of May, the drivers may be out until sometimes 9:00 pm Monday through Friday, but normal bulk delivery hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
My bulk stone looks dirty, what do I do?
Simply wash it off with water, it is stone dust and will look cleaner once washed
My colored enhanced bulk mulch looks like it ran, will it stain?
It should not stain, it is made with a water based coloring and should easily clean up with a mild soapy water mix.
What is the yellowish -fungi growing out of my mulch?
Mulch is ground wood, a natural product. When it is too moist and doesn’t dry out, this occurs. Simply turn it over with a rake and air it out, it should dissipate over night.
If you have a further problems, questions or comments, e-mail us, call us before your product is spread or landscaped 585.247.6236.
Our return policy for nursery stock can be found here.
Fruit Tree Pollination Chart
What exactly is pollination?
Cross-pollination: The transfer of pollen between two different species or varieties
Self-pollination: The transfer of pollen within a single plant or among several plants of the same variety
Self-unfruitful or self-sterile: Plants in which very little fruit will set
Self-fruitful: Varieties that will not set fruit with their own pollen
Cross unfruitful: Varieties that will not set fruit even when cross-pollinated
Intersterile: Neither of two varieties will fertilize the other
Pollinator: An agent (bees, insects, people) of pollen transfer
Pollinizer: The plant species or variety that produces the pollen
Apples -Need another variety as a pollinator. Pollinator must bloom at approximately the same time.
Apricot -No pollinator needed
Blackberries -No pollinator needed
Blueberries -Need another variety as a pollinator
Boysenberries -No pollinator needed
Cherries, Sour -No pollinator needed
Cherries, Sweet -Need another variety as a pollinator
Currants -No pollinator needed
Grapes -No pollinator needed
Gooseberries -No pollinator needed
Nectarine -No pollinator needed
Raspberries -No pollinator needed
Peaches -No pollinator needed
Pears -Need any other variety as a pollinator
Plums & Prunes
Burbank, Santa Rosa, Shiro, Methley, Ozark Premier (Japanese) Need another Japanese pollinator
Superior, Toka (American) Need another American pollinator
Damson, Stanley (European) No pollinator needed, but a pollinator will increase the fruit produced.
Bluefre, Earliblue , Blue Ribbon (European) Need another pollinator Raspberries-No pollinator needed